inductance of a MOT
Sat Jan 31 2009, 04:05PM
Registered Member #1348
Joined: Sun Feb 24 2008, 01:48AM
Location: Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Posts: 22
i'm looking to use a microwave oven transformer as an inductor in a DC Tesla tank. i have no meter. so can anyone tell me what the measured inductance for a small MOT (from a 400 watt oven) is?
how about a medium-sized MOT (850 watts).
how much does this nductance change (if at all) with the primary side shorted? thanks! even ballpark numbers are welcomed.
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Dr. Dark Current
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Sec. inductances MOT1 (700W): Pri. shorted 5.3H, pri. open ~23H MOT2 (1000W): Pri. shorted 4.1H, pri. open 18H
Note: the use of a MOT with open primary for a DC choke is not recommended (the core by itself can't store much energy and will saturate).
If higher inductance than with shorted primary is required, the "I" part of the core can be sawn off (saw off just the weld) and by varying air gap in the core, you vary the inductance.
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Registered Member #1348
Joined: Sun Feb 24 2008, 01:48AM
Location: Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Posts: 22
thanks Dr. K! i'll be sure to post my project as soon as i get around to completing it.
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