My $5 Mini SGTC
Tue Jan 13 2009, 07:00AM
Registered Member #1886
Joined: Sun Dec 28 2008, 02:55AM
Posts: 73
Hello all, This is my mini ghettocoil. I already have a bigger coil, but it was built from a kit and I wanted to try making one entirely from scratch.
It's powered by a 3kv 30ma NST.
The spark gap is made from 2 nails with plastic shielding to block the UV produced.
I used 2 10kv 500mmf Sprague caps in parallel. I got the caps from a broken oscilloscope.
The primary coil is made from 3 (yes 3) different wires all soldered together because I didn't have a long enough wire. Then I wrapped it around an old fireworks tube and placed the secondary in the middle of the tube.
The secondary was made by unwinding a microwave fan motor and then winding it onto a small piece of pvc pipe by hand. In all it has around 500-600 turns.
The bottom of the secondary is connected to the house ground and the top is terminated into a nail with a spring on top.
Total cost of project=$5 for the transformer and about 3 hours to build it.
Amazingly this contraption actually works. It puts out lots of corona and 1 cm streamers into the air and can arc about 2-3 cm to a screwdriver or other object.
The only real problem is that the caps get hot after 20+ seconds so I can't run it for long.
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Registered Member #1831
Joined: Sun Nov 30 2008, 03:09PM
Posts: 19
Hello! on 3KV 30ma is good, i think when you make better primary, sparks will be better too:-)
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