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4hv.org :: Forums :: High Voltage
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High voltage pulses

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Move Thread LAN_403
Sun Jan 11 2009, 10:17PM Print
terspolarma Registered Member #1925 Joined: Sun Jan 11 2009, 10:10PM
Posts: 2
I am planning to make a power supply with hv output pulses. Peak value is 30 kv and the pulse width will be short. Frequency will be low and adjustable(0 to 20~25 Hz).
How can i realize this project?
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Dr. Dark Current
Sun Jan 11 2009, 10:18PM
Dr. Dark Current Registered Member #152 Joined: Sun Feb 12 2006, 03:36PM
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Marx generator
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Mon Jan 12 2009, 03:21AM
Hon1nbo Registered Member #902 Joined: Sun Jul 15 2007, 08:17PM
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capacitor pulse into an ignition coil should work... and, IIRC, the result should be nowhere near square wave as once the current/voltage rise peaks the transformer will not function until it changes direction, as a constant current cannot induce a current in a secondary winding except for the rise time from the moment it is connected...
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Proud Mary
Mon Jan 12 2009, 06:30AM
Proud Mary Registered Member #543 Joined: Tue Feb 20 2007, 04:26PM
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You don't say what the output impedance of your device should be, so if your application will accept a high impedance, why not make a multivibrator with two EHT shunt triodes like PD500 - then you will have a square wave whose duty cycle you can vary very easily.
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Thomas F
Mon Jan 12 2009, 06:59PM
Thomas F Registered Member #503 Joined: Sun Nov 19 2006, 06:37PM
Posts: 59
Hi ,

You can use a uC to generate the pulses and feed it to a MOSFET,through a MOSFET driver.Give huge flexibility,esp if you want to do other stuff too.I had used a PIC with a ceramic resonator (455kHz ) to realize the low frequencies.

The transformer was a CRGO UU core,with an air gap on both legs of about 2 cellotapes thick.Use very low duty cycles of about 10%. As the frequency goes lower,duty cycle goes higher and gap is increased, the voltage increases,atleast for my txfer.

A ferrite txfer would probably not work at these low frequencies,maybe the experienced guys here could tell why !!

Good luck.

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Mon Jan 12 2009, 09:28PM
big5824 Registered Member #1687 Joined: Tue Sept 09 2008, 08:47PM
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you could modulate a flyback to those low frequencys then maybes smooth it a bit or something, could that work?
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Tue Jan 13 2009, 11:34AM
terspolarma Registered Member #1925 Joined: Sun Jan 11 2009, 10:10PM
Posts: 2
I am thinking something like this:

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Tue Jan 13 2009, 01:32PM
Dave47 Registered Member #84 Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 01:06PM
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Slightly OT...

I still have the original Radio Electronics magazine with all of those projects in it. It was a special issue.

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Tue Jan 13 2009, 06:52PM
uzzors2k Registered Member #95 Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 04:57PM
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Have you considered ignition coils? They're cheap, readily available, and run at low frequency. Your target output voltage isn't a problem either.
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HV Enthusiast
Tue Jan 13 2009, 07:22PM
HV Enthusiast Registered Member #15 Joined: Thu Feb 02 2006, 01:11PM
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terspolarma wrote ...

I am planning to make a power supply with hv output pulses. Peak value is 30 kv and the pulse width will be short. Frequency will be low and adjustable(0 to 20~25 Hz).
How can i realize this project?

You're missing a lot of requirements here. Please specify what they are so we can better answer your question:

1. Pulsewidth?
2. Risetime / Falltime
3. Duty Cycle (or PRF)
4. Load Impedance your driving into
5. Pulse-to-Pulse regulation
6. Pulse Variability (variation on top of the pulse - do you want a clean pulse, or don't care if it rings with several kV amplitudes)
7. Allowable Pulse Droop (relates to 6 above)

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