Usefulness of 15KP2xx TVSs
Tue Jan 06 2009, 10:32PM
Registered Member #93
Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 04:11PM
Location: Houston, Texas
Posts: 64
I've won a couple eBay auctions for 15KP200A and 15KP240A (15KW) TVSs. Are these that much more useful than the 1.5KE2xx (1.5 KW) diodes that show up in many of the DRSSTC designs discussed here? I know Dan (Dr. GigaVolt) used some 15KP220CAs in at least one of his larger DRSSTC designs. I kind of bought these on speculation since the winning auction price made their per unit cost really cheap.
Thanks to anyone who can give me their experience with using these suppressors.
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HV Enthusiast
Registered Member #15
Joined: Thu Feb 02 2006, 01:11PM
Posts: 3068
These are VERY useful and HIGHLY sought after. Not only can they withstand more energy (15kW vs. 1.5kW), then are MUCH MUCH faster due to the larger surface area of the die.
Plus, they are extremely expensive to buy outright as well. They're like $20-40 bucks each if i remember correctly.
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