Hacking a pendrive?!
Tue Dec 16 2008, 08:08PM
Registered Member #96
Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 05:37PM
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Hi all. My 4GB Kingston bit the dust seems the connector fractured at the point where it connects to the PCB, severing both data tracks.
OTHO I have attached wirewrap wire and used the connector mounting holes to connect power and D+/D-, so it might be useful for an EEE mod or something.
I now have an empty case, and an extremely tiny 8GB TF/ reader which occupies only 1/4 of the space and has 10.831mb/s write and 17.73mb/sec read speed. What to fill the rest with :)
thought about attaching a small light and a clone of my car's IR keyfob, any other ideas? it has to run off USB power and fit in a volume about 30mm by 15mm by 4mm (whats left from the microdrive)
ideas on a postage stamp please -A
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Registered Member #1739
Joined: Fri Oct 03 2008, 10:05AM
Location: Moscow, Russia
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Oh there's so much stuff you can fit in! :P Seriousely - a high-power LED + driver board (will have to make external heatsink however) - and once put on a USB extender cord it makes an awesome small flashlight to light your keyboard in the dark. Or - you can fit the Tesla tuner circuit in! Even more - you can fit a TIC48 LCD and an MCU inside - and use it for whatever you want.
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