Project Euler
Sat Nov 29 2008, 04:18AM
Geometrically Frustrated
Registered Member #6
Joined: Thu Feb 02 2006, 04:18AM
Location: Bowdoin, Maine
Posts: 373
I've recently been doing problems on Project Euler. It's a neat site. There's a large list of problems, and the challenge is to come up with algorithms to solve them. Once you have an answer, you can test it. It's a bit of a competition, but for the most part it's just fun to test your skills. I started out with C, but I thought it would be neat to learn how to write algorithms in forth, so I've gone back and started over.
Anyone else want to give it a whack? Post your solutions if you think you've done something particularly clever.
I'll start out with my solution to Problem 2:
: fibonacci ( -- ) ( prints the sum of all even valued terms in the fibonacci sequence below 4000000 )
0 1 2
dup 2 mod 0<> if
rot swap dup rot + -rot
dup rot +
dup 4000000 >
drop drop . ;
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