Capacitor Design questions
Tue Nov 18 2008, 08:22PM
Registered Member #1523
Joined: Sat Jun 07 2008, 02:05PM
Posts: 97
I have three questions conerning capacitors..
First, the Polyethaline rolls bought from hardware stores, does anyone by anychance know the purity on this?
I was also wondering, lets say i need 10 layers of 4 mill polyethaline. Can I assume that (affter compression) the distence is 40 mill? or do I need to account for some distence betweend the layers? (so that it is large than 40 mill)
lastly, I know the plates have to be smaller (width and hight wise) than dielectric between them, so their is no flash-over. What should this be? about one inch wider and taller (so .5 inch boarder)?
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