Secondary coil.
Mon Sept 29 2008, 05:02AM
Registered Member #1656
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I have a friend who is making a tesla coil as well. I tried to get him to open an account here so he could ask but he is lazy. He Wanted me to ask you guys a question since i couldn't find any thing about it online. But he wanted to know if you could use a cardboard tube for the secondary coil? instead of PVC.
Even one i have seen is PVC or something close to it.
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Mon Sept 29 2008, 05:19AM
Registered Member #1589
Joined: Sun Jul 13 2008, 06:40PM
Posts: 70
I have seen it before, use a glazed cardboard tube, but it would be just better structurally and electrically to use PVC/acrylic. Cardboard has that iffy tendency to make a permanent carbon tracking and when worse goes to worst, it can burn quite easily if it's not glazed and it has enough air. Sonotubes are nice though.
I can't think of any sites offhand that supplies directions on how to properly prepare one, but that's what some time on google gets you.
Short summary to a short post: Use PVC/non conductive plastics instead of paper based forms.
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Mon Sept 29 2008, 05:59AM
Registered Member #33
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There are already at least two threads on the subject:
Anders M.
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