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Hey, I am looking for somebody that sells pre-made circuit boards for solid state tesla coils. Does anybody sell, or know somebody who might sell, these boards?
Registered Member #1024
Joined: Sun Sept 23 2007, 10:56AM
Location: Northern NSW, Australia
Posts: 95
If your priority is time, you can download the expressPCB artwork from For the DRSSTC-II . Pay expressPCB to have them delivered in three days. Certainly not the cheapest option I'm sure, but fast and easy.
EDIT : Oh, ok , and no you wont get fully built modules just the PCB's .
Registered Member #15
Joined: Thu Feb 02 2006, 01:11PM
Posts: 3068
Dylan wrote ...
If your priority is time, you can download the expressPCB artwork from For the DRSSTC-II . Pay expressPCB to have them delivered in three days. Certainly not the cheapest option I'm sure, but fast and easy.
EDIT : Oh, ok , and no you wont get fully built modules just the PCB's .
Ryan is looking for completely built and tested boards - not bareboards.
Ya, im looking for a complete board, already built and assembled. I dont know a whole lot about these boards which is why I was hoping that somebody who does might build them and sell them to people. I assume PCBexpress builts custom boards for people to whatever specs they want?
edit: I am looking for a board complete all the cap's, potentiometers, transistors, etc..
Registered Member #120
Joined: Fri Feb 10 2006, 07:07AM
Location: Westchester New York
Posts: 83
There's usually a learning curve with this stuff. Even with already assembled boards you still should have some clue to what your doing. I'm not saying this to discourage you, but you should spend sometime with a breadboard messing around with a flyback or something and trying to gain some experience. SSTCs can be a bit complicated to someone who knows very little about electronics and what not. Basically what i'm saying if you can't solder a circuit board its unlikely that you will build a working coil. Maybe a complete system on ebay could work, it would be expensive though and you have to use their setup. Idk, doing that usually isn't as much fun though. Its nice that your interested though. Do you have any interest in electrical engineering?
Well, its not that I couldnt solder a board together, because im sure I could, its just sourcing out parts for a subject im not overly familliar with would be tough. The main reason that I am after a pre-made board is because of time and my thoughts were to take a board and use that to learn off of. I guess I'm more of a tactile learner in that sense. As far as elec. eng goes, probably not so much my cup of tea. This is just an idea that I thought would be fun to try out, hence saving time by ordering a board.
Registered Member #76
Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 10:04AM
Location: Hemer, Germany
Posts: 458
you will be afraid to know the costs for a preassembled and tested! board for a sstc, and its difficult to say, what sort of sstc you are looking for. there are many differences and many sizes. the more power you want, the more you have to pay. i build preassembled circuit boards and whole systems. drsstcs sstcs and whatever, and for sure i do the whole layout, the math and every other work for you. but if someone designs a board for you, it will cost a lot. even if you are out for a design which the seller has been already build and tested etc, it will be expensive. i have build many sstcs and i sell the boards for it, and from time to time there is someone who asks me for a premade and tested board. i think its not worth for someone who wants "just" a sstc. i build drsstcs for shows and theatre etc and those guys are willing to spend much money and effort into those projects- thats worth work. but most of people who sell premade boards cant sell them for discount prices. 300 or 400$ is nothing for a mid sized sstc with around 2kW of power. of course, just the premade and tested boards! i sold single systems for over 4000$,, but that was a large sized drsstc and i got the material from them. (the 4000$ were just for designing and assembling etc)
i would say. just buy a premade circuit board from dan or someone else and solder it by yourself. you will be happy with your work cause "you made it" and it much much cheaper.
Registered Member #1530
Joined: Tue Jun 10 2008, 03:34PM
Posts: 32
Ryan wrote ...
Ya, im looking for a complete board, already built and assembled. I dont know a whole lot about these boards which is why I was hoping that somebody who does might build them and sell them to people. I assume PCBexpress builts custom boards for people to whatever specs they want?
edit: I am looking for a board complete all the cap's, potentiometers, transistors, etc..
I'd offer to make a whole kit or the like, but 2 things:
One, for what I feel is relatively low demand
Two, people end up using different transistors/drive circuits/coupling capacitors/half/fullbridge
A completed board (just plug in power and coil, no tuning) would probably cost $100, or a bit more. With manual tuning, maybe a bit less. What that would buy you is I'd approximate 300-500 watts of raw power
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