Video Posting of Big Musical DRSSTC Twins at EOH UIUC
Jeff at Teslacoil
Sun Mar 23 2008, 07:37PM
Registered Member #1290
Joined: Wed Feb 06 2008, 12:42AM
Posts: 5
Lipold Haken, the inventor of the Haken Continuum Fingerboard, put up some nice video on his site of the UIUC Engineering Open House Tesla coil run. Here is the link.
There are other videos on You Tube that were put up by several people. Some that where on the web before we had the coils put away after the show. Do a search for "Tesla coil UIUC" in the You Tube search box.
It was the coldest weather that I have ever run coils in. Normally, if the weather is bad, you just don't run coils. But there was a lot of PR and expectation, so the show must go on. The temperature was 4 degrees F and gusting winds to 30 mph. We tethered the coils so they would not blow over in the wind. You can see the tether lines in some of the videos. With the wind and the temperature the way it was, the ozone production was really high. Normally I don't smell it, but this time it was very strong.
The left coil was played by Mark Smart using the finger board continuum. The other was playing prerecorded midi tracks. There was a PA that played the drums and guitar which were prerecorded.
At one point Steve's coil (brown secondary) which was playing lead tripped it's 50 amp breaker. Mark switched over to the my coil (red secondary) and played lead on that one right away. I was able to get the other coil back on eventually and Mark switched back. Those chords really draw a lot of power.
Thought you guys would like to see the videos.
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