DRSSTC - questions
Sun Mar 09 2008, 06:09PM
Registered Member #952
Joined: Mon Aug 13 2007, 11:07AM
Location: Finland
Posts: 388
So I'm starting to plan a DRSSTC... and I will have a lot of questions about it. I thought of copying JimG's design:
So first question: Do I REALLY have to use those expensive IGBTs (IRG4BC40W)? Are there any IGBTs that are a little cheaper (<6€) that work in 1MHz-like frequencies? Or should I think about using MOSFETs?
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Registered Member #690
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If its a REALLY small coil and you use very large and adequately protected MOSFETs, then yes it can be done. The IRFP260 has a pulse rating of 200A, which is very reasonable for a small DRSSTC.
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Registered Member #952
Joined: Mon Aug 13 2007, 11:07AM
Location: Finland
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Thanks for answer. I think I'll just use those IGBTs. Can you believe that in Elfa they were 12€ per piece! Then looked at Partco. They seem to have those IGBTs at 4€. That's a reasonable price.
Some other questions: Do you think disposable camera photoflash caps could be reliable enough for the main HV cap?
Do you know about N27 and N30 ferrite materials? Only those toroids seem to be available in Partco, and I need to know which should I use for GDT and feedback transformer cores. Unfortunately they seem to have high losses with high frequencies.
EDIT: I think I'll have to get 3E25 cores from Elfa. These are good enough and don't seem to be overpriced (as usually in Elfa).
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