The Physics of Inductance
Fri Jan 04 2008, 07:11PM
Registered Member #1180
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I am currently doing a physics project on Telsa coils so I was wondering just how it is that magnettic resonance within the coils actually generates electric potential in the secondary circuit. Any help here would be greatly appreciated (maybe some print references?)
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Dr. H.
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You really shoud look (and read of course ) Richie Burnett's site
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Steve Ward
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I was wondering just how it is that magnettic resonance within the coils actually generates electric potential in the secondary circuit.
Its not "magnetic resonance" (a term that doesnt make sense to me) but rather the coil has some inductance and capacitance. Its close to a lumped circuit (single L and C) but a better model looks at some of the transmission line aspects with distributed L and C along the length of the coil, and then just a discrete C for the toroid/sphere/whatever at the top end of the coil. In any case, energy is transferred between magnetic and electric fields at its resonant frequency. I just wanted to really stress the point that it relies on capacitance and inductance. Otherwise, its like asking "whats the resonant frequency of 1mH?" which doesnt have an answer because its a 1st order system and thus doesnt "resonate".
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