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Violet Wand

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Thomas W
Wed Jun 13 2012, 11:02AM
Thomas W Registered Member #3324 Joined: Sun Oct 17 2010, 06:57PM
Posts: 1276
i think, just for the point of it, NOT FOR REAL USE
to make a 10Kw fullbridge Violet Wand... dang that would be scary...
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Wed Jun 13 2012, 02:09PM
Nik Registered Member #53 Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 04:31AM
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I have seen some of those kicker-relay type TC's before, and I assume violet wands are pretty much the same thing in a more compact envelope. I may be wrong, but I presume the tormentfulness factor of the thing is adjusted simply by adjusting the size of the topload.

The ouch factor on my violet wand is adjusted by a thumbscrew on the bottom, as far as I know it crudely adjusts how much current is going through the main zapping coil before the relay opens and you get a spark. When the screw is all the way in it takes very little current to open the relay and there are very small sparks.
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Sat Jun 16 2012, 01:39AM
BubeeMike Registered Member #4829 Joined: Thu May 10 2012, 04:55PM
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Thanks you guys. And my intention is really to focus on the device factor. These are actually used for many things, including but not limited to vacuum leak testing like has been stated wink. Oh, thanks for the compliment on the catsuit. That is actually an original made for the “Batman Returns” Movie for Michelle Pfeiffer. We made this one for the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NY for a super hero exhibit. We own Syren Latex which is our Latex Fashion co. We do a lot of Hollywood costuming being here in LA. I think it is safe to talk about that company here.

And Steve I assure you we try everything new on ourselves first. Lol I will definitely spare the group the details of what this can mean. I love the advice I and thoughts I am getting here, and I have a huge file in OneNote that I think would show anyone how serious I am about learning about this personally. My goal is to become one of the most knowledgeable in my industry. I think what I mostly missing is real live experience in this space, micro-culture, or hobby.. However you would classify this interest.

There are many people in my world that are full of hot air and don’t have half the knowledge I see in places like this forum. I want to bring this knowledge over to areas that could benefit from both the innovation as well as the safety factor. Honestly, I am practically begging, I would love for someone to just take me under their wing, I am not just this willing for a business reason, this type of research is right up my alley. I am the type of guy that builds all our company computers and make sure we have video cards we can Lan Party with. I also recently learned SolidWorks and can 3D model and run simulations. I really take a hands on approach to the way I run this company.

So if anyone has any suggestions of anyone worth meeting here in LA or a good place for me to go next, a coiling get together, convention, anything.. I will fly anywhere. If anyone has any suggestions of a person that could help me get involved, I also need a paid consultant and I could fly them here as well. I do have some ideas of how I might be able to repay any of this help in direction back to this community as well. We have pretty deep manufacturing capability. I believe this can be symbiotic.
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Sat Jun 16 2012, 05:44AM
BubeeMike Registered Member #4829 Joined: Thu May 10 2012, 04:55PM
Location: Los Angele, CA
Posts: 8
I forgot to mention, have taken apart a Violet Wand (SG & SS) and will be posting pictures this weekend.
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Steve Conner
Sat Jun 16 2012, 08:22AM
Steve Conner Registered Member #30 Joined: Fri Feb 03 2006, 10:52AM
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I think a good start would be for you to reverse-engineer the solid-state wand. Draw out the schematic, identify the parts, measure the operating frequency and so on.
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Sat Jun 16 2012, 02:10PM
Marko Registered Member #89 Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 02:40PM
Location: Zadar, Croatia
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Hi Mike -

Not to discourage you regarding it, but I'm not too sure about how much would coiling events teach you about how to design violet wands... as Steve said, the way to go is to dismantle some existing ones!

I'm also quite curious how the solid state one is designed. It may be a plain CW multiplier, or I could be surprised!

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Sun Jun 17 2012, 08:38AM
BubeeMike Registered Member #4829 Joined: Thu May 10 2012, 04:55PM
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Hi guys, I have been reverse engineering or at least documenting what was done previously. But the issue is if what was out there was acceptable that would be fine. I am looking to re engineer these. My concern over the solid state is frequency. there is a VERY noticeable difference in the feel between SS and the old Violet Wands. So I am considering both and even making both. But my concern with the SS is if I will be able to adjust the frequency enough to make any real difference in my market. I could be wrong but i am concerned that SS will not be plausible.

I am curious if anyone has found any configuration more adjustable than the others such as VTTC's for non-SS, DRSSTC's for Solid State, etc..? I really want to look at re-developing these from the ground up because it hasn't been done in over 40 years. As has been stated. I am looking in to coil winding machines, in order to make samples of different types.. I see that people are suggesting I look at Ignition coils, etc... But I can have custom coils made, I don't need to find spare parts, we have real manufacturing ability. Plus the ignition coil is not going to fit in the enclosure this size. Is there any ideas on coil sizes I should be looking at for primary and secondary for various configurations? Or core types?

I would like to be able to adjust frequency or oscillation as well as power. The old style I think just do oscillation by adjusting what seems to be the spark gap distance. (Again, I will post pictures) it is impressive mechanical design for its time.

I do need some coiling experience as I have no base of knowledge from which to draw. Just 9 months of my spare time reading.. I understand it won't teach me how to make VW's, but I do think it would be good to get my feet wet.
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Sun Jun 17 2012, 04:12PM
Marko Registered Member #89 Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 02:40PM
Location: Zadar, Croatia
Posts: 3145
Hello -

I'd say it's a bit more complicated than saying a certain frequency is good or bad. The solid state wand might not even eb a tesla coil after all.

So I think you better post us some pictures of both in parts wink

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Mon Jun 25 2012, 03:39AM
BubeeMike Registered Member #4829 Joined: Thu May 10 2012, 04:55PM
Location: Los Angele, CA
Posts: 8
ok Guys, I am really sorry it took so long. But I am really juggling a lot right now. But here are the images.



















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Mon Jun 25 2012, 03:41AM
BubeeMike Registered Member #4829 Joined: Thu May 10 2012, 04:55PM
Location: Los Angele, CA
Posts: 8
oops, missed a few.











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