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Concentric Jacob's ladder rings

Move Thread LAN_403
Thu Nov 01 2007, 02:09PM Print
Tesladownunder Registered Member #10 Joined: Thu Feb 02 2006, 09:45AM
Location: Bunbury, Australia
Posts: 1424
Inspired by Nik's thread about HV "pinwheel", round Jacob's ladder I thought I would give this a go myself.

Mine is 15cm (6 inches) outside diameter and has concentric rings. I have an inner and outer copper wire rings sparking onto the conductive ferrite. Both inner and outer sparks rotate in the same direction.

Getting the inner ring to zip around in circles was easy but the outer ring needed some augmentation which then made the inner wheel unstable.

Drive was my 80 kV DC supply.

Nevertheless was able to get some shots.
Full details and pics on my site here.


1193925859 10 FT0 Jacobslconcentric

1193925859 10 FT0 Jacobslcircularinnerclose

1193925979 10 FT0 Jacobslconcentricoff
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Thu Nov 01 2007, 06:34PM
Mates Registered Member #1025 Joined: Sun Sept 23 2007, 07:53PM
Location: Czech Rep.
Posts: 566
Does it make any RF noise? In case it does - could you measure somehow the freq spectrum? Or just put in vicinity a normal AM/FM radio... I'm talking about this because I've heard a story about one TV which destroyed the TV signal for whole village... The only explanation I have, that in the TV fly-back must had happened something similar like you show...


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Thu Nov 01 2007, 10:34PM
Tesladownunder Registered Member #10 Joined: Thu Feb 02 2006, 09:45AM
Location: Bunbury, Australia
Posts: 1424
Mates wrote ...

Does it make in RF noise? In case it does - could you measure somehow the freq spectrum? Or just put in vicinity a normal AM/FM radio... I'm talking about this because I've heard a story about one TV which destroyed the TV signal for whole village... The only explanation I have, that in the TV fly-back must had happened something similar like you show...
Jacob's ladders do cause RF noise and mains noise but it is not severe. I can't measure the RF spectrum.
If you have heard that one TV destroyed reception for a village then the most likely explanation is that someone is telling you a story and you believed it. For a TV fault to transmit on all channels over a mile say and to be so strong as to destroy the much greater output than a TV transmitter seems unlikely to me. With cable TV then if you inject a strong signal back down a cable then possibly.


1193956114 10 FT33654 Jacobslcircularinnersegment
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Fri Nov 02 2007, 08:37AM
Mates Registered Member #1025 Joined: Sun Sept 23 2007, 07:53PM
Location: Czech Rep.
Posts: 566
...the most likely explanation is that someone is telling you a story and you believed it. For a TV fault to transmit on all channels over a mile say and to be so strong as to destroy the much greater output than a TV transmitter seems unlikely to me. With cable TV then if you inject a strong signal back down a cable then possibly.



It is not a made up story - I know the girl who was personally involved in this case - going with major around the village asking poeple to turn off their TV to ping-point out the right one... But you right - maybe it was cable TV, that would make much more sense - I'll ask... Cheers
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Fri Nov 02 2007, 10:43AM
Tesladownunder Registered Member #10 Joined: Thu Feb 02 2006, 09:45AM
Location: Bunbury, Australia
Posts: 1424
wrote ...

It is not a made up story - I know the girl who was personally involved in this case - going with major around the village asking poeple to turn off their TV to ping-point out the right one...
Still not believable. Who would go door to door switching off TV's looking for RF interference. Why not an illegal transmitter jamming TV for a prank that was turned off when he saw people coming?

Anyway back to the topic.
Here is another shot showing the sparks going off on the wrong magnets. Also faintly a red spiral of hot ferrite flying off at the very bottom on the enlarged picture.

Also had 2 confirmed moth kills. More than my TC. Think the DC gets 'em.

I'll try to get a video as well.


1194000016 10 FT33654 Jacobslconcentricbroken
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Fri Nov 02 2007, 12:52PM
Capper Registered Member #914 Joined: Fri Jul 20 2007, 06:22PM
Location: South Bend, IN
Posts: 85
I tried to set up something similar inside my fusor a while back, but it gets too hot inside, and the magnets stop being magnets and fall off the grid.

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Ken M.
Fri Nov 02 2007, 05:39PM
Ken M. Registered Member #618 Joined: Sat Mar 31 2007, 04:15AM
Location: Us-Great Lakes
Posts: 628
Were you trying to arc TO the magnets, if you were then thats the problem, here these guys (Being TDU and Nik)are using 2 copper rings within the magnetic feild.
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Sat Nov 03 2007, 02:50AM
Capper Registered Member #914 Joined: Fri Jul 20 2007, 06:22PM
Location: South Bend, IN
Posts: 85
No, I was just trying to alter the plasma path by adding Neo magnets to the inner grid structure.
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Sat Nov 03 2007, 03:09AM
Tesladownunder Registered Member #10 Joined: Thu Feb 02 2006, 09:45AM
Location: Bunbury, Australia
Posts: 1424
Mine has 2 rings but each arc is on to the magnet. That doesn't matter apart from a few microchips. However, if you heat a magnet above it's Curie temp it will lose it's magnetism. In the vacuum of a fusor, heat has nowhere to go.

Another couple of shots with a central electrode rather than a ring.

I've done the videos but I really must get my act together with these. These MPEG2 files are 600k/second and useless for internet stuff.


1194059201 10 FT33654 Jacobslcircular7cmholesegmentfull

1194059201 10 FT33654 Jacobslcircular7cmholefull
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Moderator(s): Chris Russell, Noelle, Alex, Tesladownunder, Dave Marshall, Dave Billington, Bjørn, Steve Conner, Wolfram, Kizmo, Mads Barnkob

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