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UV triggered spark gap is working!!!

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Move Thread LAN_403
Fri Oct 05 2007, 10:15PM Print
Mates Registered Member #1025 Joined: Sun Sept 23 2007, 07:53PM
Location: Czech Rep.
Posts: 566
Hi guys,
According to your comments you was rather skeptical about the possibility of triggering the spark gap just by UV light. Here I introduce a simple system which works and has a possibility to be driven directly by transistor or semiconductor relay. It is based on 8W incandescent UV-B lamp (F8T5.UV-B) which is powered by quadrupler consisting of two in parallel and two in series 3.3uF/630V caps, four diodes and connected straight to 220V AC. This gives aprox. 1200V DC which is connected to joint electrodes on each side of the lamp. The switching is mechanical at the moment (touching the wires), but I'm working on a transistor switch to see what I can afford.

The 60KV HV source circuit and the HV cap construction used in the system I have posted recently.

Check the movie to see it working


Any questions or comments are welcomed...
1191622468 1025 FT0 Assambly
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Fri Oct 05 2007, 10:53PM
Mates Registered Member #1025 Joined: Sun Sept 23 2007, 07:53PM
Location: Czech Rep.
Posts: 566
Just adding snap shot from the movie where you can see switching event (small spark close to my hand) together with triggering response of the gap...
1191624801 1025 FT32381 Snapshot
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Fri Oct 05 2007, 11:28PM
cjk2 Registered Member #51 Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 04:17AM
Posts: 263
Very impressive. Someone correct me if im wrong, but I would avoid looking directly into that bulb, as UV B can cause eye damage.
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ConKbot of Doom
Sat Oct 06 2007, 03:02AM
ConKbot of Doom Registered Member #509 Joined: Sat Feb 10 2007, 07:02AM
Posts: 329
cjk2 wrote ...

Very impressive. Someone correct me if im wrong, but I would avoid looking directly into that bulb, as UV B can cause eye damage.

UVB is an eye hazard, however provided that the lamp is only on for short durations, I would expect it to not be a significant issure compared to the UV and IR generated by the arc.
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Sat Oct 06 2007, 07:22AM
Mates Registered Member #1025 Joined: Sun Sept 23 2007, 07:53PM
Location: Czech Rep.
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cjk2 wrote ...

Very impressive. Someone correct me if im wrong, but I would avoid looking directly into that bulb, as UV B can cause eye damage.

Yes you right, UVB-B is pretty dangerous radiation inducing so called photoproducts (thymidine dimers) in the DNA, thus is strongly mutagenic (also your skin is affected). I'm always using sunglasses and long sleevs during my high volatge experiments involving spark gap and arcing. I recommend you to do the same!
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Sat Oct 06 2007, 08:57AM
Experimentonomen Registered Member #941 Joined: Sun Aug 05 2007, 10:09AM
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I´d say that bulb look like those used for pcb etching = more or less harmless.
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Sat Oct 06 2007, 09:16AM
Dalus Registered Member #639 Joined: Wed Apr 11 2007, 09:09PM
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Isn't the spark going trough the ionized uv lamp. At least that's how it looks in the movie.
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Sat Oct 06 2007, 12:44PM
Mates Registered Member #1025 Joined: Sun Sept 23 2007, 07:53PM
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Dalus wrote ...

Isn't the spark going trough the ionized uv lamp. At least that's how it looks in the movie.

You meen the spark is penetrating the glass? I don't think so. There is no visible damage on the glass and I can see with my eyes (unfortunately not with the camera) that the spark goes around.
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Sat Oct 06 2007, 04:05PM
Amateur-Scientist Registered Member #1015 Joined: Fri Sept 21 2007, 06:43PM
Posts: 14
Is it the UV light causing the gap to trigger or the electric field from the lamp? It seems to me the UV intensity from the lamp is not strong enough to ionize air, but the electric field might. Most of the triggered spark gaps I've seen use an electric field and the UV ones were triggered with pulse from a UV laser. Try moving the UV lamp further away and see if the spark gap still triggers.
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Sat Oct 06 2007, 11:57PM
Mates Registered Member #1025 Joined: Sun Sept 23 2007, 07:53PM
Location: Czech Rep.
Posts: 566
Amateur-Scientist wrote ...

Is it the UV light causing the gap to trigger or the electric field from the lamp? It seems to me the UV intensity from the lamp is not strong enough to ionize air, but the electric field might. Most of the triggered spark gaps I've seen use an electric field and the UV ones were triggered with pulse from a UV laser. Try moving the UV lamp further away and see if the spark gap still triggers.

I actually tried also normal incadescent tube light and it didn't work... That's why I think it is mainly the UV which makes the job. However in case it is the e-field which makes the job - it is cool way of high voltage high power triggering anyway...

According to the laser triggered spark gaps: I don't know much about the construction except that the used power of the laser is huge. I think it is not only the triggering but also the efficiency of the gap which push the ingeneers to use such a strong lasers. The point is that the air or gass pre-ionisation makes it very good conductor and the loses are reduced strongly. But this is only my speculation...
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