Weekly Dose of MS FUD!
Steve Conner
Tue Jan 16 2007, 10:14PM
Registered Member #30
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Here is your weekly dose of Microsoft FUD! Hopefully this will turn into a regular fixture. I was poking around the services control panel in XP, and found this:
Service name: WmdmPmSN
Display name: Portable Media Serial Number Service
Description: Retrieves the serial number of any portable media player connected to this computer. If this service is stopped, protected content might not be down loaded to the device.
I mean, I can see why you would want to do that, but it's still annoying.
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Registered Member #65
Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 06:43AM
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Actually if you have the Media Center edition there are numerous network services that share your media information with network appliances like DVRs and MP3 players etc. on your home network. Its sort of a feature...
The trick is mapping the hard coded domains to an internal network address like , and banning unauthorized IPs at your gateway.
If you update d-link/linksys router firmware etc. to support zonelabs auto-ban client feature it helps.
DRM is inherently flawed as the consumer ultimately pays to subvert their own rights to purchased content.
As for FUD -- how many people sold their copy-rights for an iPod?
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