Fully functional social robot V2.
Chris Cristini
Fri May 15 2020, 10:11PM
Registered Member #1749
Joined: Fri Oct 10 2008, 02:04AM
Location: Claremont New Hampshire
Posts: 497
I seen that Nvidia is making some seriously promising A.I hardware/Software for Autonomous machines so I decided A.I is getting good enough for this sort of application. And just released the $399 NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX developer kit and claimed 10x performance over the Jetson Nano used. After I receive the 38 servos of various sizes, 2 Raspberry pi cams And some other little things my next purchase will be the new board it is the same form factor so I won't even have to change the mounting solution.
This time I am using copper vs steel way better for soldering obviously This time I have $3000 budget to start with since my first unfinished robot I have had the itch to build it what an awesome time to be alive. Currently looking for an image host as I can't upload attachments. Will edit this post when I find one.
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Chris Cristini
Registered Member #1749
Joined: Fri Oct 10 2008, 02:04AM
Location: Claremont New Hampshire
Posts: 497
Google photo. I am sorry about the double post the forum is still broken I think.
Update experimented with image recognition. Received 18 micro servos and got it's ears moving.
Google Photo.
If you would like to follow this more it is on the Nvidia developer forum.
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Tue Sept 22 2020, 04:55AM
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Any news?
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Chris Cristini
Registered Member #1749
Joined: Fri Oct 10 2008, 02:04AM
Location: Claremont New Hampshire
Posts: 497
Still working on a way to Make its eyes I need to use the RPI Cameras and still learning the massive amounts of programming I will have to do.
Lately it has been sitting In a closet I want to work on it so bad but I started making its back and realized I will have to come up with something way better than servos Like Pneumatic/Hydraulic Muscles.
Like the first time I tried this I ignored the obvious Challenges I cant overcome myself I want to get farther along But I will have to get a team of Engineers/Programmers together for it to be a true reality.
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