Is current or overall wattage the most important for wood burned Lichtenberg figures?
Sun Aug 19 2018, 03:25AM
Registered Member #2318
Joined: Fri Aug 28 2009, 01:22AM
Posts: 33
I have been playing around with wood burned Lichtenberg figures lately and I have several options for transformers I can use. I tried a MOT but I was not very happy with the results and it was too crazy and dangerous so that is out. I am left with three different Franceformers at 9000v/60mA, 12000v/30mA, and 15000v/30mA. Even though the 9000v one is the lowest voltage of the three, at 60mA, it has a higher wattage than the other two and twice the current. In short, which of these would work best, the highest voltage, or the highest power and current but lowest voltage?
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