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Registered Member #63044
Joined: Sun Jun 10 2018, 06:58PM
Location: Denmark
Posts: 3
Hi forum, Amrit here!
I just started experimenting with HV, it's a completely new world to me. Though I know what I want to achieve - I'm a bit unsure of how to implement it, therefore I'm would kindly ask you for some valuable hints and advice that would point me in most convenient direction, then I can connect the dots myself..
Here is my PSIM model, It's a standard MOT with a voltage doubler, and I used a switch to simulate a spark gap with a random frequency of 100Hz. :
OBJECTIVE: Connect something to the circuit that will transform the ~4KV pulsed into something more practical e.g. <300V DC or AC
As I understand, the voltage doubler may not be the correct way to go, as it wants to look into an impedance of ~100Kohm, this might limit the type of load available. Alternatively I can make it with two MOT's and some diode bridge for rectification, eliminating the voltage doubler.
Registered Member #63044
Joined: Sun Jun 10 2018, 06:58PM
Location: Denmark
Posts: 3
In the meantime I dabbled around with PSIM and came up with below solution, now my question is; do I need to wear blast proof underwear or will it work more or less as per simulation? I ask because both HV and PSIM are new to me, so it would be nice to hear the sentiments of experience.
It seems if I don't draw more than ~500mA on the output, it can sustain the voltage (Vrec)
Registered Member #54278
Joined: Sat Jan 17 2015, 04:42AM
Location: Amite, La.
Posts: 367
The older microwave ovens have a voltage doubler--it consists of the diode and capacitor. They are wired in a swapped configuration of a normal half-wave rectifier. Find a simple schematic and you will see. The MOT makes everything VERY LETHAL...just one simple slip--especially to a beginner in high voltage.
You should try a safe transformer connected to a Cockcroft-Walten voltage multiplier. This will safely (relatively) get you kilovolts DC, the parts are dirt cheap and it can be wired for full or half wave rectification!
Registered Member #63044
Joined: Sun Jun 10 2018, 06:58PM
Location: Denmark
Posts: 3
Dear Sirs
Thank you for your well meaning safety concerns, please be advised that I'm a Hindu and as such we have a fatalistic perspective on life i.e. if it's your time to die - it's your time to die, high voltage or not. Therefore my personal safety is of no particular concern to me, I was merely asking for the sake of innocent bystanders, I think I will build a blast screen to avoid annoying shrapnel in all directions.
Registered Member #2463
Joined: Wed Nov 11 2009, 03:49AM
Posts: 1546
I am a master electrician licensed to work on any electrical system in my Provincial jurisdiction. Your attitude about personal safety would not be acceptable on any crew, or union, or in any company I have worked in the past 50 years.
When work is done on live high voltage apparatus, everyone qualified to be on a worksite is responsible for own their safety, and that of everyone else.
Registered Member #195
Joined: Fri Feb 17 2006, 08:27PM
Location: Berkeley, ca.
Posts: 1111
HV is to be respected and may or may not kill but may severely injure !!!! On the other hand you want to make something and learn. what you want to do is not very efficient. What is its end purpose if I may ask?
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