Franceformer GFCI Potential Workaround
Sat Jun 09 2018, 04:16PM
Registered Member #61343
Joined: Mon Dec 05 2016, 05:38AM
Posts: 18
Hi all,
I just wanted to throw this bit of info out there since I know GFI's and NST's are a point of interest. I was reading a Franceformer Data Sheet on the 15060 P5G-2E and saw an note about the bypass feature. Essentially, it seems to allow a technician to enter "service mode" for periods of 30 minutes at a time. This apparently disables fault detection for troubleshooting purposes.
Might be useful info since these transformers are usually passed up for HV experiments due to the internal GFCI and this mode might be an acceptable alternative to digging around in the potting compound. I don't know if every new Franceformer is setup this way, but this particular model seems to be.
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