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Registered Member #62265
Joined: Sat Apr 28 2018, 11:26AM
Posts: 24
Newbie to all this, I've been playing with Cockcroft Walton and Marx configurations, and I've been running them from a 12V car battery in order to avoid getting high voltage spikes on my mains electrical system. I've used various kinds of devices for stepping up the 12V to provide a feed for the multiplier, such as CCFL inverters, ionizer circuits, and SS Tesla coil drivers, and every time the system works for a short time before the drive stage for the transformer primary coil burns out. Is there a standard way of dealing with this problem?
Registered Member #62265
Joined: Sat Apr 28 2018, 11:26AM
Posts: 24
Thanks for your interest.
The source is a 12V lead-acid car battery.
This powers a small flyback driver incorporating a JRF2907 MOSFET driving a ferrite core transformer that I reclaimed from a CCFL inverter (an AVT4029 that I destroyed this way on an earlier occasion). The MOSFET failed so I replaced it with what I had, an 1RF1404, and it now works again but I don't want it to go the same way.
The flyback driver feeds a Cockcroft-Walton multiplier consisting of ten stages of 10nF 3kV ceramic disk capacitors and 16kV diodes.
The CW multiplier feeds a Marx Generator consisting of five stages of 1nF 20kV ceramic disk capacitors and 1MOhm 1W metal film resistors. I'm using the same resistor for the ballast resistor.
I think I've covered everything, but if there's anything else you need to know then just say.
Registered Member #62265
Joined: Sat Apr 28 2018, 11:26AM
Posts: 24
This is the driver I used most recently:
I will try to attach photos of the setup, which is now dismantled but you can get the idea. There is only one transformer, but I show two in the photos so you can see both sides.
Registered Member #61406
Joined: Thu Jan 05 2017, 11:31PM
Posts: 268
Hi, what's the capacitor recatance at the frequency you're using, if the cw is a low impedance it will burn most of your energy. If the capatance is to large it will try to draw to much current, then at high voltage the corna will be a drain for the Marx, but you are using a flyback so I'm assuming 50khz,the capacitor on the cw should be about 100pf
Registered Member #62265
Joined: Sat Apr 28 2018, 11:26AM
Posts: 24
Plasma wrote ...
Hi, what's the capacitor recatance at the frequency you're using, if the cw is a low impedance it will burn most of your energy. If the capatance is to large it will try to draw to much current, then at high voltage the corna will be a drain for the Marx, but you are using a flyback so I'm assuming 50khz,the capacitor on the cw should be about 100pf
This is interesting. Being new to all this, your comments give me some direction. If my capacitive reactance calculation is correct then you would appear to be saying that the correct reactance for the CW capacitors at 50kHz should be 31.8k. I'm using 10nF ceramic capacitors in the CW, which would give a reactance at 50kHz of 318R -- i.e. 100 times too low. How is the "correct" reactance arrived at?
Registered Member #62265
Joined: Sat Apr 28 2018, 11:26AM
Posts: 24
ritaismyconscience wrote ...
I would probably add zener diodes to protect the mosfet. That might help.
I was assuming that the company that manufactures this little driver board would have had all the necessary components on the board, but that might be a false assumption. I'll get on it and see if it helps. Thanks.
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