Mini STS - to little current through GDT
Gregary Boyles
Tue Apr 04 2017, 12:39PM
Registered Member #9039
Joined: Wed Dec 26 2012, 03:31PM
Location: Epping, Victoria, Australia
Posts: 117
My design is based on this schematic:
I have made the following changes since these are the parts I had on hand:
When I don't have my GDT primary connected there appears to be some transient spikes on leading edges of the square wave at the TC4422 output pin of up to around 20V / -20V (with Vcc of 12V) according to my oscilloscope.
But seem to get an adequate sine wave when I connect my GDT primary.
But when I measure the current flowing through the GDT secondaries, with my multi-meter, I am getting only 2mA (that must be RMS)
My whole rig is acting as a Tesla coil because it is exciting the gases in a fluorescent light globe.
But with 12V DC powering the Tesla primary coil (for testing purposes) and only 2mA flowing through my FET gatesand GDT secondaries, I am obviously getting bugger all current flowing through my Tesla primary.
Any suggestions?
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