Trouble with half wave rectification on Steve's SSTC 5.
Sun Mar 12 2017, 12:44AM
Registered Member #61481
Joined: Fri Feb 17 2017, 01:47AM
Posts: 4
Hello all, I have been lurking for quite some time and signed up to ask a question.
I recently built Steve's mini SSTC 5. All runs well whee using full wave rectification (filtered, unfiltered, CW or interrupted) but I can only run it in half wave if it's filtered (interrupted or CW). If I power the coil with unfiltered half wave rectified mains I get an extremely low output, I can start very small arcs from the top load with a screwdriver but that's it. I have no idea what could be causing this.
Has anyone had any similar issues?
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Registered Member #61481
Joined: Fri Feb 17 2017, 01:47AM
Posts: 4
Just wanted to add, I tried this with both an antenna feedback and a CT feedback.
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