Can transformers suppress RFI?
Sun Oct 02 2016, 10:11PM
Registered Member #58458
Joined: Fri Feb 19 2016, 11:21PM
Posts: 2
I am currently creating a parts list for a beefed up version of a Slayer Exciter. I was wondering if I need to buy an inline RFI filter for suppressing the noise created by the Tesla coil. (Buying a RFI filter would be unfavorable due to the fact that my house has almost no grounded outlets, and the ones that are grounded are in inconvenient locations) Because of this, I was wondering if the winding inductance of the transformer i'm using as a power source would present enough impedance be to block the RFI being emitted by the Tesla coil. (The transformer is 100va 120v input 24v output) Or perhaps an inductor in series with the transformer?
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