SSTC Interrupter Pots connect by long wires to pcb (half meter or so)
Fri May 13 2016, 04:01PM
Registered Member #57473
Joined: Sat Oct 03 2015, 03:21PM
Posts: 11
Hey I have made a simple NE555 interrupter with two potentiometers to adjust on/off times (like Steve's Ward). I have connected the potentiometers on around 50cm wires to the PCB, so I can adjust it while standing far from SSTC. But now the Tesla works very bad and there are almost no sparks when powering it from 100V, while before there was around 3-4 cm. I haven't tested it yet, but it seems that the long wires are causing interference? Can I somehow improve it? Or is this a bad idea in general?
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Graham Armitage
Registered Member #6038
Joined: Mon Aug 06 2012, 11:31AM
Location: Salado, TX
Posts: 248
Keep wires as short as you can, perhaps twist together if possible. Wrap a few times around a ferrite toroid. Also enclosing in a metal project box may help.
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