Some help needed onmy mot (stack) powered static gap coil.
Sat Jan 16 2016, 08:04AM
Registered Member #8792
Joined: Sat Dec 15 2012, 08:05AM
Posts: 1
Hi all, I succeeded in replicating the micro sstc and the mini sstc by steve !! What a fun !!
Now I'm going to do a bigger one.
But I need your help.
Right now I have two mot's, one as a ballast wit the secundairy shorted and it's primary in series with the second mots primary. The second mot secondary is used as high voltage output. Yes I know it's not that high of voltage ...
Now how would I determine the power output of this setup ?? Without a amp measuring clamp ..
I have more mot's so I might also go with an extra so one as a ballast and two in a stack. How would I go at connecting this and how would I determine the power output of such setup. Again I do not own a amp measuring clamp (yet..)
For now I've had lots of fun with some sparkgap setups in combination with some coils. So just a primary system. Lots of noise and show already but right now I used some microwave oven cap's. I need this power output estimation to calculate the right cap in order to buy / make a good cap. so I can work out (with practical tests) what will last as spark gap ..
Probably gonna be a Richard Quick style thing with optimized convection cooling if I can get that to work good enough. But first thing first, what is the actual voltage and output current I can expect in these mot setups ??
I'm planning/hoping to end up with around 500 watt and a secondary of 80 x 440 mm wound with 1000 turns 0.4 mm wire .. If I only get some minor spark from a breakout point that's fine. I'm actually not building for parks but to do some furder building / experimenting with the finished setup.
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