Extra UD2.5 Boards for sale
Alex Yuan
Wed Nov 25 2015, 12:17AM
Registered Member #9614
Joined: Mon Jan 14 2013, 10:00PM
Posts: 44
I just made up a couple of UD2.5s if anyone is interested for $100 shipped each. (Please add $10 extra for shipping to outside the USA.) I'll have a couple more by the end of the month when I get some diodes in. The boards come fully tested and populated except for the phase lead inductor and fiber receivers. (To switch between receivers just move D12/13.) If you need any variable inductors I have some, just let me know the part number.
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Registered Member #54503
Joined: Sun Feb 22 2015, 10:35PM
Location: New Zealand
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Good to know these are available.
Ive just built my first board which is Loneoceans' 2.7 revision.
have you made any of the changes that loneoceans addressed? I understand there was a few things that he fixed up, which can be easily modified if needbe.
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Alex Yuan
Registered Member #9614
Joined: Mon Jan 14 2013, 10:00PM
Posts: 44
I don't remember all of the changes GGY made, but this is the older board that doesn't have the UVLO or switching regulator. I've found sticking a small piece of 1" aluminum bar across the regulators keeps them cool, and I've never had a problem with needing UVLO, even when the board or coil suddenly lost power. This revision has proved to be very reliable for me for about a year now.
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