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Registered Member #96
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I will go out on a limb here and say Rossi will receive a Nobel in Physics or Chemistry by the end of 2017 at the latest. LENR has been a long time hiding in the shadows of history but finally the naysayers are being proven wrong spectacularly.
Its also interesting to note that gaping holes have appeared in the BCS theory (209K superconductivity in H2S/H3S) as well as a lot of other anomalies previously ignored or overlooked being given serious consideration such as electron/hole or proton/hole quasi-particles being the glue for observed >133K superconductivity. A lot of research now suggests that room temperature superconductivity is not only plausible in hydrogen rich compounds but could actually be achieved in everyday materials such as zirconium or palladium doped with very small amounts of sulphur and then pressurized with hydrogen under merely a few hundred atmospheres in a similar way to metallized H2S/H3S. Given that this was not known about during the original F&P experiments it is possible that superconductor quenching might account for at least some of the excess heat and explain how the reaction seemed to stop when the palladium fractured as the lattice pressure would tend to drop under this condition.
Registered Member #2529
Joined: Thu Dec 10 2009, 02:43AM
Posts: 600
Sorry, nah.
Cold fusion as a source of heat is basically bullshit.
During a fusion reaction virtually all of the energy comes out in the form of high energy neutrons.
Trouble is, a few centimetres of palladium catalyst cannot stop these neutrons, it's like trying to stop tank shells with 3mm balsa wood.
I mean, I'm not saying you can't produce a very tiny amount of fusion in palladium catalysts, but even if you somehow generate any significant power that way, it's going to be radioactive as fuck and producing very little thermal output.
You'll note that this is the exact opposite of what is claimed; F&P claimed heat output and basically no neutrons; and that's why it's bullshit.
Registered Member #96
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There is a paper that has been published which suggests hypercompressed D-D when illuminated with laser bursts can fuse in a non-classical way yielding less energy than conventional D-D fusion but a fraction of the neutrons.
Registered Member #42796
Joined: Mon Jan 13 2014, 06:34PM
Posts: 195
Conundrum wrote ...
There is a paper that has been published which suggests hypercompressed D-D when illuminated with laser bursts can fuse in a non-classical way yielding less energy than conventional D-D fusion but a fraction of the neutrons.
just because in this extreme situation less neutrons are produced does not mean it will be the same in a "cold fusion" device
even if said cold fusion device produce far less neutrons it will still have the same limitations - aka radioactive as fuk
no matter how hard u wish cold fusion to work it will still remain in the plain of scam-ers, conspiracy theorists and that special spot on YOUTUBE
Registered Member #3414
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Aneutronic fusion doesn't produce any neutrons, except possibly by secondary reactions, for example, Boron 11-proton fusion produces three alphas, and Lithium7-proton fusion produces two alphas. I'm not saying that's what's happening here, just saying not all fusion produces neutrons in the primary reaction
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