Tesla Coil with a 12VDC to 120VAC inverter?
Chris Maness
Thu Jul 30 2015, 09:33PM
Registered Member #55389
Joined: Mon Jul 06 2015, 12:38AM
Location: Grand Terrace, CA
Posts: 29
Has anyone tried to power their Tesla coil with an inverter? I am to give a demonstration to kids at a camp site tomorrow, and I am wondering if I can use my inverter with a surge protector without killing the inverter.
Thanks, Chris
Well I just bought a cheap 410W inverter. It didn't have enough juice to drive my 240VA OBIT. They lie like a toad on the 410W. I wonder if they just made that number up out of thin air. Anyways, feeling impatient I hooked it up to my nice 1000W inverter, and all was good. I just hope it holds in the mountains. One thing I am learning about Tesla coils is that they can be real fidgety. Just because it is working now, doesn't mean it won't be shooting flames 30s later.
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