How do I set Terry Filter spark gap?
Tue Jun 23 2015, 03:57AM
Registered Member #54484
Joined: Sun Feb 15 2015, 06:18PM
Posts: 46
I know the gap needs to be set so it's just beyond where it arcs but not sure how much of the circuit I need connected when I do this. Do I power up with just the Terry filter? Or does it need a load, like capacitor and or main spark gap?
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Registered Member #4074
Joined: Mon Aug 29 2011, 06:58AM
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In the past I've connected the filter to the transformer (NST I presume) and slowly opened the safety gap until it doesn't flash over, adjusting it while its unplugged obviously. You want it to clamp just above the open-circuit voltage of your transformer, so that it catches any damaging spikes but doesn't frequently form power-arcs during operation. Trial and error is good enough.
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