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Registered Member #54487
Joined: Mon Feb 16 2015, 02:29PM
Posts: 8
With a little help from a couple of 4HB members, I built a Jacobs Ladder driver, nothing very fancy, but it works well.
I used one of the 3055/flyback circuits.
I am able to draw arcs of about 1/2 to 3/4 inch and maintain them very minor heating.
After running an arc for about 30 seconds I notice an uncomfortable taste/smell in the back of my throat/nose.
It persists for about a day an a half and th3e whole process is repeatable.
The HV positive lead is tinned copper with an inch of insulation removed and the ground lead is plastic insulated 24 gauge copper removed from a Cat 5e cable. It's also stripped for about an inch.
Nothing seems to be scorched or burned.
I could build a fume hood or take the whole thing outside.
Does anyone have an idea what's happening here ? Maybe I'm reacting to the ozone produced by the arc ??
Can anyone suggest some other projects using the 3055/flyback driver ?
many thanks
[Moderator edit by Mads Barnkob, double posts merged]
post script
A neighbor gave me microwave oven in good working order.
I can use it as is or disassemble it for parts, so that might be considered when suggesting alternate projects.
Registered Member #33460
Joined: Tue Aug 27 2013, 06:23PM
Location: Seattle
Posts: 46
I've never noticed negative physical effects from being in an enclosed space with sparks and arcs for hours at a time, though I am aware that there certainly MUST be some.
Perhaps you are much more sensitive given that you notice it with such a short duration, and from a low power source.
This reminds me of something I observed when I was 13 or so. I was using a bench DC supply to vaporize extremely thin aluminum foil - touching a wire to the foil immediately destroyed the foil around the contact point in a flash of light. This was accompanied by an acrid smell, but nothing overwhelming.
The interesting part was how my cat reacted. Even sitting across the room, he seemed to act as if something foul had been sprayed into his face or was on his tongue immediately after each time I would let a spark vaporize a bit of foil. The effect was very fast, seemingly too fast. I don't think it wasn't the sound or the spark itself disturbing him, as he didn't orient on what I was doing, and certainly didn't react that way to other loud sounds or flashes of light.
So, in a way, I am suggesting that you may be cat-like. Hopefully that's a compliment
You could try changing to different metals or thicker wires for where the arc touches, to rule out other sources (outgassing or burning plastics, etc.). Conversely, you could block the arc with a microscope slide or other thin noncombustible insulator to increase ozone production and see if the effects are worse.
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