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4hv.org :: Forums :: High Voltage
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High Voltage Fractal Patterns in Acrylic.

Move Thread LAN_403
Sun Mar 22 2015, 07:25AM Print
Patrick Registered Member #2431 Joined: Tue Oct 13 2009, 09:47PM
Location: Chico, CA. USA
Posts: 5639
Ive seen the typical fractals on peoples skin and ply wood, but is it with in our reach to do so in a solid block of acrylic? ive seen people strike with a nail the block and its created, but i dont know much else? is it capacitive?

ive googled abit, but they're largely random articles without details.
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Sun Mar 22 2015, 07:48AM
johnf Registered Member #230 Joined: Tue Feb 21 2006, 08:01PM
Location: Gracefield lower Hutt
Posts: 284
Lichtenberg figures

you do need time on an Electron accelerator to create
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Sun Mar 22 2015, 02:40PM
Bert Registered Member #118 Joined: Fri Feb 10 2006, 05:35AM
Location: Woodridge, Illinois, USA
Posts: 72
Patrick wrote ...

Ive seen the typical fractals on peoples skin and ply wood, but is it with in our reach to do so in a solid block of acrylic? ive seen people strike with a nail the block and its created, but i dont know much else? is it capacitive?

ive googled abit, but they're largely random articles without details.

Patrick, making these requires a source of high-energy electrons. We use a 150 kW 5 MeV industrial electron beam (from a Dynamitron, a type of high-power DC accelerator) to inject electrons deep inside Plexiglas (PMMA). As the electrons crash into the PMMA, they lose their kinetic energy, ideally stopping about halfway through. With continued injection, a highly-charged negative space charge layer develops inside the specimen, while the outside accumulates a nearly matching amount of positive surface charge. The internal charge injection process is sometimes called "charge trapping". The result is a "plateless capacitor", where the potential difference between the inner and outer layers of the PMMA can easily exceed 2.5 MV. Even a small specimen can hold a large amount of electrostatic energy. When we hit the specimen with a sharp point, we create a small surface fracture, initiating dielectric breakdown between the inner and outer charge layers. If you look carefully, you can see fainter negative surface discharges spreading across the surface from the discharge point. Most of the stored energy is released (called "charge detrapping") in a high-current discharge lasting only hundreds of nS. The 12" x 12" x 1" specimen in the attached image held almost 1 kJ, and the discharge was estimated to be several kA.

A short video that describes the process can be seen here:
Making Captured Lightning

The following web page has just about everything you ever wanted to know about Lichtenberg figures but were afraid to ask: Captured Lightning
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