Using the "new" microwave transformers
Tue Dec 23 2014, 02:39PM
Registered Member #42712
Joined: Fri Jan 10 2014, 01:21AM
Posts: 21
I forgot what they are called, but new microwaves have complex transformer driver circuits that require a input PWM signal, and there are very specific characteristics of it.
Has anybody had any luck or knows how well these would work on a Tesla coil? I think an advantage would include better control of the power output etc. but disadvantage would include voltage spikes blowing the complex drivers.
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Ash Small
Registered Member #3414
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I think they generally run at 30kHz and they do blow the IGBT. They need protection from Mains spikes as well.
I posted a link on these a while back, I'll see if I can find it.
EDIT: found it
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