Blue RIFA caps
Tue Sept 26 2006, 12:09AM
Registered Member #191
Joined: Fri Feb 17 2006, 02:01AM
Location: Esbjerg Denmark
Posts: 720
I got a bag of these blue caps, kinda look like the WIMA FPKs but blue.
RIFA 431 CS8 1kv- 15nf
Anyone tried these caps? I chained up 16 of them each with a 10Meg bleeder, seems to work pretty well with my zvs. hooked up like a TC without pri coil. And they are not even getting warm.
then I took one of the caps, set my SG to about 1mm, and try to destroy it, it snapped but still holdnig strong. I opened the gap all the way up to 2mm, adn it handels it pretty well.
Seems to be good for an SGTC, or maybe in a DRSSTC.
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