VTTC "Losev"
Fri Apr 18 2014, 09:02AM
Registered Member #96
Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 05:37PM
Location: CI, Earth
Posts: 4061
Hi all. I have been looking at the possibility of making a mini VTTC for the "geekfest" in a month's time.
So far the plan is to use a single secondary but a dual tube (probably beam triodes) setup as these can be had in 15KV variants for about £10 a pair.
Can't handle much current but should be good for demos with care such as wireless power induction and other "Fun Stuff" (tm)
Seems that 13.5 MHz is a good band to use as its ISM and in theory no license is required IF power is kept down and monitored to ensure EMC compliance.
This band is also used a lot for vacuum tube based plastic induction welders that are used for sealing bags and other industrial apps.
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