HTSC experiments
Tue Jan 21 2014, 06:28PM
Registered Member #96
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Ought to be doable, even if it barely works with my equipment I can at least make this one without causing the Customs headaches.
Has anyone managed to get an infrared thermometer to measure specific heat capacity (SHC) as this is an effective way to detect hidden superconductivity if the setup is done in an anhydrous inert gas atmosphere to prevent degradation and moisure absorption.
I plan to use three independent sensors including a BMP085, heating resistor driven from a variable constant current and low pressure He or Ar at approx 60% atmospheric to calibrate the setup. as these are very good at sensing subtle changes in temperature. Also because the signals are digital it is easy to reproduce the experiment with high accuracy. Magnetic measurements to be done using a pair of HMC5883 sensors as these are readily available and have other handy features such as I2C and a calibration routine.
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