Micro VTTC
Sat Nov 09 2013, 01:23PM
Registered Member #96
Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 05:37PM
Location: CI, Earth
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Hi all. Speaking to the folks on LARP, it seems that building a VTTC into a hollow rod is feasible.
In this case the valve to use would be something very high peak power like a PL81 beam pentode but compact which rules out 833A and anything similar. I did find a horizontal output valve (thanks Dave H) and it looks intact. Also these sometimes do work if you connect the unused grids together even if they don't oscillate etc if driven by an HV transistor oscillator based on MPSA42s.
Has anyone else managed to do this?
I'm not trying to make visible streamers just light up fluorescent tubes etc.
Kind regards, -A
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Registered Member #2086
Joined: Tue Apr 21 2009, 02:33AM
Posts: 117
That sounds like a super neat project... I wish I could add input but my interests have always been with the solid state. Can you should pictures of the valve though?
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