New SSTC design idea.
Chris Cristini
Tue Aug 27 2013, 07:03PM
Registered Member #1749
Joined: Fri Oct 10 2008, 02:04AM
Location: Claremont New Hampshire
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I have a nice clear plastic tube and some PVC Pipe that will fit in side perfectly I was thinking of winding the primary on the PVC and inserting it in to the clear tube then sealing the bottom end with some clear epoxy with the earth wire attached to a small bolt then filling the whole thing up with transformer oil will the oil effect resonance or performance in any way?
Also I have another question how far can the secondary be from the primary or does the Frequency/voltage/amperage through the primary determine the distance?
And another idea I had was using wide copper foil for the primary would that have any potential I am just trying to come up with something new my first step is to build a sstc that works with the common methods then implement my ideas to see any gain in performance/efficiency.
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Registered Member #4266
Joined: Fri Dec 16 2011, 03:15AM
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Hi Chris Cristini
I think the wide copper foil would make more of a elongated field, without the height. Its the amps weather by voltage or resistance that determines the density and how far the field travels.
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Sun Sept 01 2013, 01:53AM
Registered Member #10052
Joined: Thu Feb 07 2013, 11:31PM
Location: Overland Park, Kansas
Posts: 78
No need to fill anything with transformer oil. The electric field prevents arcing down through the middle or down the sides of the secondary, so long as you don't have trouble with racing arcs.
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