measure ripple on a voltage divider
Registered Member #816
Joined: Sun Jun 03 2007, 07:29PM
Posts: 156
If you just want to see the ripple, I don’t think you need a capacitive divider just a C/R high pass filter to remove the dc component, and measure across resistor connected to ground side, size the corner frequency to be well below like (10 times less) the ripple frequency your trying to measure then you can work out the values for C and R.
The only problem is adding extra capacitance to the output of the multiplier, which itself is low current will reduce the ripple current that you are attempting to measure.
Also provide some overvoltage protection for you meter / scope form the transient spike when powering up/down the multiplier.
For the example of a 50khz ripple, a cut of frequency of 5khz would give 300pf and 100k ohm or if that’s not practical at 100kv try 30pf and 1M ohm.
Keep in mind this is only an idea of how I would go about it, Yes you may find the output swamped in the noise and extra filtering needed.
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