Arduino Phone
Tue Apr 23 2013, 03:40AM
Registered Member #3831
Joined: Thu Apr 14 2011, 02:54PM
Posts: 265
I have had an Arduino Mega 2560 for a little while now, and wanted to see what crazy things I could find to do with it. So after acquiring a few different shields, and browsing the web, I found this -
An Arduino Phone, capable of calling and sending SMS messages.
I got all the libraries finally worked out, and switched boards in the H file, and it seems to be working. I don't have a SIM card to use in my shield yet so I can't confirm it actually works. Hopefully I can get one tomorrow from AT&T or something.
Updates as soon as I get a SIM card and see what happens.
Here are a couple pics showing the Arduino and its shields, and what the screen shows when turned on (it does nothing right now)
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