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All that escapes (as far as I'm aware) is heat. In air, this would exite (add energy to) the air molecules in contact with the surfaces. I'd imagine that these excited air molecules would exert the same pressure on all sides, unless some property of the waveguide causes the base of the truncated cone to heat more. (I don't know enough about waveguides to ascertain whether a 'tuned' waveguide could achieve this). Even if this did produce some measurable overall 'force' in air, it would be pretty useless in space.
Registered Member #10255
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I first came upon the report by Shawer in 2006 while researching in the UCL (London) D.M.S Watson library –the claims were on the face of it, extraordinary although the mathematical analysis did seem lightweight to say the least. Over the ensuing months more and more voices of dissent were raised –especially after Shawer’s claims were repeated verbatim as a serious and credible factual piece in the ‘New Scientist’ magazine.
Many of us working in science have lamented the inexorable decline of the New Scientist; when I first subscribed in the early 1970s it was an invaluable digest of current scientific progress but over the ensuing years it has become something of a joke in the scientific community; worth picking up to look at the science jobs in the back pages (and of course the wonderful Daedalus). But now Daedalus is no more; just another fading memory….or so I thought until I read the ‘EM Drive ‘piece…
It was the excellent Author Greg Egan who put forward the most cogent and intellectually reasoned rebuttal of Shawer’s claims.
I quote from an early rebuff by Greg Egan:
"Relativistic conservation of momentum has been understood for a century, and dictates that if nothing emerges from Shawyer's device then its centre of mass will not accelerate. This statement holds true in all reference frames. It is likely that Shawyer has used an approximation somewhere in his calculations that would have been reasonable if he hadn't then multiplied the result by 50,000. The reason physicists value principles such as conservation of momentum is that they act as a reality check against errors of this kind."
Egan later published a rigorous mathematical examination of Shawer's claims that demonstrate they are in error and the device cannot generate thrust in the terms of the report.
Claims of exotic spacedrives fuelled by violations of fundamental physics are, sadly but understandably, about twopence a dozen. The aspect of the affair which Egan found truly disturbing — indeed, reprehensible — was the way New Scientist glibly provided a “news†piece full of pseudoscientific gibberish purely to justify how the EmDrive might work. (Their argument really pushed the limits of the absurd, too: Einstein’s relativity has momentum conservation built into its mathematical structure, so you can’t use relativity jargon like “reference frames†to sidestep the conservation law.)’
There is a Chinese paper which claims to have reproduced Shawer's findings (published in'Acta Physica Sinica, 2012, Vol. 61 Issue (11): 110301)
The authors go on to claim to have observed a force reading of up to750mN with a ‘Shawer’ resonant cavity being driven with a 2.5KW magnetron. The relationship between thrust and input power is however, not linear which the authors attempt to explain by examining the energy spectrum from the magnetron versus input power. They show that the microwave resonator has a rather sharp resonance maxima at 2.45 GHz and that their magnetron spectral output varies at different power inputs which they claim explains the non-linear thrust readings.
The report is however, frustratingly lightweight (almost anecdotal) and the fact that the authors take as their starting point the assumption that Shawer’s mathematical analysis is valid does cast a serious and probably fatal shadow over the veracity of the work. That said, it is undeniable that the claims made by the authors (Yang, Ma et al) are seductive (perhaps dangerously so) to those who want to believe….
Registered Member #1792
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2Spoons wrote ...
I would be interested to see the Cullen paper - do you have a ref? I'd also like to know where the error in application was.
2Spoons see my first post in this thread, basically Shawyer only considered the two ends of the resonator while ignoring the tapered connection between them in his analysis. Shawyer's derivation of the force is based on CULLEN A.L. ‘Absolute Power Measurements at Microwave Frequencies’ IEE Proceedings Vol 99 Part IV 1952 P.100 (subscription probably required), as cited in by Shawyer in
Registered Member #96
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Intriguingly a superconducting cavity has many times higher Q and NASA actually tested this determining the increase in thrust in pulsed mode to be many times the value for an identical cavity at room temperature.
It would be a worthwhile experiment to combine three different ideas: infrared "room temperature" effects in YBCO, a cavity cooled only down to 250K and a fully solid state microwave generator. If thrust only occurs when all three factors are present (ie microwaves on, IR pulsed AND the system is cooled and in resonance it is pretty obviously working.
Registered Member #96
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I had a look at this and the lift remains constant as long as you don't accelerate or increase in height so this is closer to a maglev platform.
NASA were right to test it as it provides a very valuable insight into GR/SR and it is possible that pulsing it (to prevent heating of the cavity) would be a way to keep satellites in position with less fuel usage. The waste LN2 would be vented into space so technically it wouldn't be reactionless. Also energy is still being expended to form the microwave standing wave in the cavity which is not efficient.
Registered Member #2529
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There's been no reliable reproduction of Shawyer's claims at all, and his theoretical analysis has major flaws.
The NASA team showed only a miniscule effect near the limit they could measure, the Chinese team showed a much bigger effect, but that wasn't reproduced by NASA.
Shawyer reported that there was no thrust for a little while when the equipment was turned on; this is inexplicable if the photons in the cavity causes the thrust- in would be instant.
Everything points to this being pathological science.
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