Fri Feb 22 2013, 04:36PM
Registered Member #2922
Joined: Sun Jun 13 2010, 12:08AM
Posts: 226
Hello guys,
Today in my big DRSSTC I have a line filter at the DC input and another line filter in the output of the PFC boost. I also have a line filter on the AC input of the coil driver. All filters and heatsink are connected to a grounding. The secondary coil and the strike-rails are connected to another ground rod with a metal mesh on the ground, separate from the grounding of the filters and the driver. In one of my test a spark hit the strike rail or primary (not sure) and something broke inside the coil, but she continued working.
Not yet open to see what happened, but I believe that is the TVS or maybe it was just a flash of a spark internally (the base of the coil is covered with metal mesh attached to the grounding of the secondary, and is right near the heatsink and eletronics). Anyway nothing should have burned, much less have happened this inner spark. I'm thinking about the possibility of happening voltage differences between the grounds, I'm thinking of using a capacitor between the two grounds for the case of spark hit the primary current surely go to the base of the secondary.
I prefer the idea of ​​a capacitor to connect the grounds together... What do you think?
Thanks! Gregory.
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