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The zvs is working

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Fri Feb 22 2013, 07:00AM
StormInABottle Registered Member #9252 Joined: Fri Jan 04 2013, 06:27AM
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i know that.. please answer the other questions? :P
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Ash Small
Fri Feb 22 2013, 09:37AM
Ash Small Registered Member #3414 Joined: Sun Nov 14 2010, 05:05PM
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Arcingnoob wrote ...

it has one hell of a airgap. one could fit 5000 turns in there.

I think you are confusing 'air gap' with 'winding window'.

If you dismantle the core halves, you will find two small spacers between the core halves. These provide the 'air gap' which flyback mode transformers need (they store energy in the gap, I think it is similar to, if not the same as, leakage inductance - maybe someone else can elaborate here?).

You need to remove these spacers in order to use it in 'push-pull mode' (ie in the Mazilli circuit)

I don't think I can answer the other questions, as I'm still learning this stuff myself, and I've not built the Mazilli circuit.
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Fri Feb 22 2013, 01:41PM
GrantX Registered Member #4074 Joined: Mon Aug 29 2011, 06:58AM
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Arcingnoob wrote ...

So the questions.
will the 30 1n4007 on the output of the flyback help the internal diodes not to die.
and the parts i mentioned above..
the questions about the resistors.
and if anyone thinks that i am able to operate the circuit at 55 volts.
And just try to give me something like the color of the flyback to buy. i seen green , red , white, black . white and black. Etc. i also heared that white flybacks are better than normal ones. and if it is white with some green spot that is better. also if it white and black it has a internal multiplier. uhh Just give me advices on flybacks. not just buy the biggest. Those biggest die in a few days.and i am not capable of getting a old tv.. :/

If you're planning on using a string of diodes on the output of the flyback, you really need UF diodes, since the 1N4007's will be pushed to the extremes of their recovery speed whilst trying to share a very high voltage. They are likely to fail.

As Ash Small has said, I think you need to dismantle the core of the flyback you intend to use and remove the spacers that form the air gap between the two core halves, since the ZVS will then be able to push more power. Not the winding window, which is the hole through the middle where you wind the copper.

I'm not 100% certain on the correct layout for paralleling MOSFETs on a ZVS, I've seen a few videos where they've all been directly paralleled, with a single gate drive section for each side. If the transistors are all identical then they should share the current evenly for the most part. You definitely need the gate resistors to protect the gates from damage. You may want to look at the IRFP260N's, which have a higher current rating and slightly lower on state resistance, which I believe helps keep the heat down.

Unfortunately all flyback transformers will eventually fail after being abused at high power from a multi-hundred watt ZVS. In normal operation they only see a few tens of watts, so they are wound with extremely thin wire and diodes with a very low current rating. They will either die from heat generation or insulation failure. If you are wanting to run a very high powered ZVS then I believe a DIY transformer would provide better results. Be aware that a powerful ZVS and home wound transformer can easily deliver lethal current at a very high voltage.

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Fri Feb 22 2013, 06:15PM
StormInABottle Registered Member #9252 Joined: Fri Jan 04 2013, 06:27AM
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Right now i have some spare 0.2 mm enamel wire .. will buy the flyback with the largest thickest core i find. and torture him to death. and will be sure to remove airgaps and i heard maxi's amazing flyback is 400 turns i will wind 500 turns and i will insulate purely by electrical tape i could fit about 180 turns per layer. in the thickest core i had assuming the new one will be bigger. the whole assembly can be done in perhaps 3 layers allowing lots of insulation and i bought very pure soybean oil.. i heard it's great at insulation.. also i got a small container that if the oil gets dirty i can remove it and put new oil it has a cap.. it will be pole pig style :P
i will use mainly white or green electrical tape


will the circuit with the specs i gave .... quad irfp 250.. could not find 260.
tolerate 55 volts?
will my idea for the transformer work.
I know it will be lethal and i wont feel it due to hf
but uhh idgaf :P
and please list the theoretical out put i might get from that
also if there are are any mistakes more than usual then sorry cause i broke my arm it took me 30 mins to type that..
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Sat Feb 23 2013, 12:04AM
ZakWolf Registered Member #3114 Joined: Sat Aug 14 2010, 08:33AM
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Arcingnoob wrote ...

Right now i have some spare 0.2 mm enamel wire .. will buy the flyback with the largest thickest core i find. and torture him to death. and will be sure to remove airgaps and i heard maxi's amazing flyback is 400 turns i will wind 500 turns and i will insulate purely by electrical tape i could fit about 180 turns per layer.

are you going for arc power or length? at 500 turns your only going to get( depending on Vin) about .5 inch arc or less, it will be extremely hot/ bright too.

1,200-1,500 gives decent arcs at a reasonable current so your not melting everything.
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Sat Feb 23 2013, 06:12AM
StormInABottle Registered Member #9252 Joined: Fri Jan 04 2013, 06:27AM
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1200. i decided 150 turns per layer. if i do 1200 turns. it 'd take me some 11 layers. so i wont be able to fit alot of insulation. The winding window in the new thick core i'll get wont be that large. check maxi's flyback. the 2,2 kw home wound one i heared it was a 400 turns one. and check the size of his arcs. 55 volts in. don't forget the v/turn also check the fryback. 500 turns seem ideal because i can do it in 3 layers
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Sat Feb 23 2013, 06:18AM
ZakWolf Registered Member #3114 Joined: Sat Aug 14 2010, 08:33AM
Posts: 608
Arcingnoob wrote ...

1200. i decided 150 turns per layer. if i do 1200 turns. it 'd take me some 11 layers. so i wont be able to fit alot of insulation. The winding window in the new thick core i'll get wont be that large. check maxi's flyback. the 2,2 kw home wound one i heared it was a 400 turns one. and check the size of his arcs. 55 volts in. don't forget the v/turn also check the fryback. 500 turns seem ideal because i can do it in 3 layers
That video of mine that is 3,000 turns has like 14 layers and i used two layers of over head projection sheets, can you give me a link to this "maxi" please
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Sat Feb 23 2013, 10:57AM
StormInABottle Registered Member #9252 Joined: Fri Jan 04 2013, 06:27AM
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Sun Feb 24 2013, 06:05AM
StormInABottle Registered Member #9252 Joined: Fri Jan 04 2013, 06:27AM
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for real.. 3000 turns in 14 layers..

Check that, juniortore style in a homemade flyback

i will redo most of his flyback. even with 26 awg 0.4mm wire :P
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Mon Feb 25 2013, 08:29PM
StormInABottle Registered Member #9252 Joined: Fri Jan 04 2013, 06:27AM
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Didn't find a large ferrite core. instead a very thick one. from a samsung flyback. also am rebuilding the zvs in a cleaner nicer way. using faster diodes 500 ns :P
with a 2500 volt 1 uf capacitor composed of 16 of rather beefy ceramic capacitor the old resistor same zenner but with 57 volts at the input and 2 fans for cooling i hope the circuit survives while pushing around a 600 watts of power. once the samsung flyback burns out from exessive power i will reuse its thick core, and i hope a fewlayers of electrical tape plus oil gives nice results.. will wind a 1000 turns i hope.. then that goes to oil.


will the circuit survive say 60 volts....
will the flyback made like junior tore''s flyback in oil be stable.. i posted links..
stack of 1n4007 needed for rectification.. for dc.. the simplest way..
would a home made hv capacitor about 1 nf be enough to give the nice voltage rise.. the current voltage x 1.4 = ??
that should be the equation for voltage after filtering
would 1 nf be enough to do that
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