Coil Gun Physics thread
Registered Member #6944
Joined: Fri Sept 28 2012, 04:54PM
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That's right.
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Registered Member #2529
Joined: Thu Dec 10 2009, 02:43AM
Posts: 600
Stability of the projectile:
If you're using no iron or saturating the iron then timing the coils to give maximum acceleration is neutrally stable laterally. If the projectile is lagging the coils then it's stable laterally, but unstable longitudinally (it can give you a different speed each launch). If it's leading on the optimum then it's unstable laterally but stable longitudinally (it will give a consistent launch).
This is due to Earnshaw's law.
That's if all the magnetism is 'hard' (including fully saturated iron). If you have soft, unsaturated permeable components like ferrites or steel then it will be much more unstable, particularly laterally.
If it's superconducting, then it's a perfect diamagnet should be stable both longitudinally and laterally, giving good consistent launches.
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