Conceptual question
Dr. Slack
Registered Member #72
Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 08:29AM
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hboy007 wrote ... forgive me for not verifying it has already been pointed out here somewhere: coded aperture lens systems avoid the blind deconvolution problem and allow a crude depth map reconstruction of a single 2d image. I recently found something interesting about the algorithmic improvements of full-res reconstructions of light field images. Coded aperture pictures tend to suffer from strange artifacts. I love how people doing image research appear to just take the first thing that comes to hand, rather than create something from arrays of test targets. The famous "Lena" image was a centrefold from a porn mag that belonged to the first guy to walk through the door once they'd decided they needed a test image. I'm sure that the test scene these guys used was similarly ever present in their rooms!
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