DCSGTC charging circuit
Sat Jun 09 2012, 03:30PM
Registered Member #4548
Joined: Mon Apr 23 2012, 03:52AM
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Hi all I am currently converting my sgtc to dc using an MOT and a 4 stage multiplier but I'm not to shore about the charging circuit I would like to use a charge reactor but i would have to build one (unless anyone has any sugestions for something that will work) can anyone give me sume pointers for building one (on a tight budget)
Also ultill i get that sorted I might start with a charge resistor what general resistance and wattage should it be? Thanks in advance.
The multiplier (not yet finished)
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series bunch of microwave oven transformers :)
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Registered Member #4548
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I have thought about that but I would need atleast 4 that's 4kw from an outlet rated for 2.5 also i don't have 4 matching MOT's (dos that matter?) Anyway I have just finished the multiplier and it should supply 80ma at 10kv I just need a charging circuit so I don't destroy it I used this design
Edit: it works can someone please suggest a charging resistance or something that will work as a 30H inductor (how can you measure inductance that high?) Would a couple of MOT's have enough inductance?
BTW this is the coil I'm converting (its my first tc) I'm actually going to completely rebuild it including a new secondary mostly because I now know a million times more about tc's than when i built it and also have a lot more experience but any sugestions are welcome the old transformer is a 23ma 7.5kv OBIT and the tank cap is a 10nf plate stack submerged in karosein I'm thinking of salvaging that because i can't afford an MMC
You can see its original tank cap in the background I can't believe I ever used something so primitive LOL
Edit: come on Shorly someone here has sum suggestions I gust need to know how to build a charge reactor for a dc tesla coil or is there something else that can be used would a HV transformer such as an ignition coil or an ac flyback work?
BTW I would still like to know what resistance dc tesla coils use Edit: if my math is correct I would need a 100k !!1kw!! For a 10kv 100ma power supply is that right
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Registered Member #4548
Joined: Mon Apr 23 2012, 03:52AM
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After sum playing around I've decided to take kizmo's advice and series sum MOT's I just have sum questions about it I have 4 MOT's two are smaller than the others and I'm not shore how well they will work in series also how should they be set up because the first way I tryed one of the outside transformers arked over (primary to core) but I shut it down before any real damage was done the transformer in question has been sitting around for a wile (i don't want to use oil) this is the setup I used the ballaced was a fith MOT with its secondary shorted ]imag0550.jpg[/file] ]imag0549.jpg[/file]
Edit: how can I prevent more arkover's I was thinking hot glue
Edit: after a failed attempt with hot glue I came up with this ]imag0553.jpg[/file] it turned out both of the outer MOT's failed so I had to do this with both of them but even if this fixes the problem they will still be weaker then the other two so I'm going to switch them around but I still need to know if I have them set up right because I dont want to destroy the good ones
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