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Tom Williamson wrote ...
Hey folks, just a few quick questions:
-Will 60N60s be good for a SSTC H-Bridge and mabye a Full Bridge? (TO-247) -Maximum bus voltage i should use?
I Dont see why not. I use something similar in one of my 9" coils and it has been working for four years now ith no problem. I have a fan cooling them but I have never had any problems with this coil at all. My bus voltage is 380 Vdc.
Registered Member #2405
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Tom Williamson wrote ...
is that a SSTC?, its huge :o did you use steve wards SSTC circuit if so?
Hi Tom, No it is not an SSTC it is a DRSSTC. I am using a full bridge of FGH40N60 MOSFETs they are TO-247 style. The Driver is not Steves driver. This driver is not Fiber optic controlled and uses FET Driver Chips. The controller is connected via coax cable. My other coils are fiber optic including the small table model I made up.
Max spark length on the one in the picture is 46" I just cant any more length out of it without increasing the bus voltage or pushing the MOSFEts to extremes. It is run from 120 Vac into a doubler giving me approx 380Vdc when I use the variac.
The nice about using those MOSFETs is they are low cost, I think they are $3 each. So it makes it quite affordable. And if you happen to destroy one of them you are not out much.
I bought them just to try them and see how well they would perform and they do a good job. I am using just a standard heat sink that fits a TO-247 style component. I use one heat sink on each MOSFET and even those were low cost.
Registered Member #2405
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Dr. Brownout wrote ...
Tom Williamson wrote ...
is that a SSTC?, its huge :o did you use steve wards SSTC circuit if so?
Hi Tom, No it is not an SSTC it is a DRSSTC. I am using a full bridge of FGH40N60 MOSFETs they are TO-247 style. The Driver is not Steves driver. This driver is not Fiber optic controlled and uses FET Driver Chips. The controller is connected via coax cable. My other coils are fiber optic including the small table model I made up.
Max spark length on the one in the picture is 46" I just cant any more length out of it without increasing the bus voltage or pushing the MOSFEts to extremes. It is run from 120 Vac into a doubler giving me approx 380Vdc when I use the variac.
The nice thing about using those MOSFETs is they are low cost, I think they are $3 each. So it makes it quite affordable. And if you happen to destroy one of them you are not out much.
I bought them just to try them and see how well they would perform and they do a good job. I am using just a standard heat sink that fits a TO-247 style component. I use one heat sink on each MOSFET and even those were low cost.
Registered Member #2405
Joined: Fri Oct 02 2009, 12:59AM
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 140
HI Highvoltagechick,
Here some of the specs: 1. The secondary coil total length is 51" with a 9" O.D. With 26 gauge double build magnet wire, winding length is 48"( As you can see I did not leave much of a margin but it has never flashed over)
2. The primary is flat ribbon with 12 turns tapped at 11.
3.The Cap bank is made with MMC caps total capacitance is .228uF.
4. The Bus caps are 3500uF 450Wvdc max surge of 525Vdc
5. The Top load is a 6" x 24" spun aluminum toroid.
I have a 7" x 34" spun aluminum toroid that I have been going to try on it to see if I could push a little more out of it. But I have not tried it yet.
Power is fed by a 30 amp 150Vac variac the unit pulls about 9.5 Amps. The interrupter is just a common run of the mill type built around the 555 IC.
I have two GDT's driving the MOSFETS and this coil uses base feedback. With the feedback toiroid constructed with 78 ferrite material with 77 turns.
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