Eimac 4-250A
Thu Oct 20 2011, 06:11PM
Registered Member #3062
Joined: Wed Aug 04 2010, 02:07AM
Posts: 22
I was browsing the internet and stumbled across several VTTCs run by 4-250A tubes and was wondering about the output spark characteristic. I noticed that even with a Level shifter several coilers still only received several inches of arc, but yet it appeared as though almost to be a flame. Granted all the resonant frequencies seem a little higher than normal but I found this curious and wondered if someone could shine some light on this, and why the performance seems a little diminished as to what one might expect.
Also, if this would be a suitable tube for an audio modulated VTTC?
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Dr. Dark Current
Registered Member #152
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I think you might expect some 10-12" sparks from a well tuned coil with this tube. The higher the frequency, the shorter the sparks are for the same power but they are hotter and brighter.
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Registered Member #3505
Joined: Sun Dec 12 2010, 06:03AM
Location: Albuquerque NM
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I get ~10" from my 4-125a VTTC and I haven't poured much time into tuning it since I got the mica tank caps.
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