My new sstc project
Fri Sept 23 2011, 11:15PM
Registered Member #4052
Joined: Thu Aug 11 2011, 04:43AM
Location: IN ,USA
Posts: 69
hello, I have decided to get into solid state, and I am now building Steve Ward's mini sstc.
I am going the following two changes to the design:
The secondary will be 1200 turns of 38AWG on a 2'' pvc pipe with a winding length of 6''.
Also I plan to build the coil in a faraday cage connected to RF and mains ground to isolate the coil's interference.
How long of arcs should I expect from this coil? because the primary is only going to be 5'' from the topload, also I've read that ground arcs turn your transistors into fireworks, so I need to make the cage of adequate size. Also will this provide enough sheilding to isolate the coil?
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