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Registered Member #1938
Joined: Sun Jan 25 2009, 12:44PM
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A great tool to have in the wild, here is a high voltage pulse generator that will produce configurable pulses of up to 20KV. Also known as "electric pastor", this device will keep big animals away.
Registered Member #1451
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A great thing for bear defense is hanging your dirty socks around the camp. Bears don't come into your camp looking to attack; they come looking for food. If they smell a human, they'll keep clear.
As far as the pulse generator goes, good job! Is it going to be going all night? I assume that the LED is to check that it is still running. Are you going to have a solar panel to recharge the batteries?
Registered Member #3271
Joined: Mon Oct 04 2010, 02:29AM
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Been around bears. That will just p***-off the bear if he/she puts the nose forward. Human scent is the way to go. Just mark your territory around each fence post (dont forget to turn off your gizmo however....)
Registered Member #1938
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Turkey9 wrote ...
As far as the pulse generator goes, good job! Is it going to be going all night? I assume that the LED is to check that it is still running. Are you going to have a solar panel to recharge the batteries?
All night long. Average power consumption 50mA for a 12V pack of batteries . If this thing runs only at night, it will last enough for the whole trip. For day encounters pepper spray.
Here's a document discussing the use of electric fences to protect from bears:
wrote ... Additionally, current research recommends approximately 5,000- 6,000 volts needed to effectively shock a black bear. Two basic energy sources for chargers are batteries (12-volt automotive type), and household current (110 volt); however solar panes can be added to battery chargers.
So please don't worry about how effective high voltage can be. Pain can be a very good argument to make a bear go away, especially when it has no special interest to the protected perimeter.
Here's another commercial unit doing the same thing: You can save a few bucks and build one yourselves.
HazzWold 1993 wrote ...
That will tickle, or at best aggravate the bear if anything.
Actually it will create intense pain. Not something any living animal wants to feel. Read the docs above to learn more.
XravenorX wrote ...
Heres a small black bear copping a few kVA and a 5 meter fall and surviving. Your gonna need a lot more juice. Just hook up an NST at the very least :D
Registered Member #3950
Joined: Wed Jun 15 2011, 12:45AM
Posts: 51
The reason this won't hurt the bear at all is because the current is so low. Too get enough current to actually hurt the bear, you will need a much beefier power supply. With the amount of current that thing appears to be generating, I doubt the bear would even acknowledge the shock.
Registered Member #1938
Joined: Sun Jan 25 2009, 12:44PM
Location: Romania
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Actually it would . Please read the links posted above. This type of fence is used for domestic animals, including Horses, Sheep, etc.
The bear doesn't have the greatest fur, so not much insulation for them, unlike sheep.
Do you have any experience with electric fences? Or perhaps with bears?
Why most of you only think that a Nazy Lethal fence would work for bears? HV penetrates skin. Penetrated skin means affected nerves. Affected nerves equals pain. No need to kill the bear.
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